Christine Wassmer is an experienced educator and an international guest lecturer of English literature. She is the project leader and teacher trainer of THE BOOK IN SCHOOL.
We want to activate the innate resources in young learners. If pupils know that they are being heard, they blossom and start achieving. It's essential to release creativity in schools. A creative spirit wants to give form and meaning to life. This leads to innovations and loving, productive communities. I enjoy working with biblical text: it has depth, gives orientation, and is the source of explosive creativity.
Field of Action
THE BOOK IN SCHOOL was developed after I held a teacher training of 10 days at a school in Navrongo ( in the very North of Ghana) in 2017. I noticed that the majority (over 50%) of Ghanaian children had great difficulties reading. The linguistic system is highly complex, with 80 mother tongues. Children first need to learn the official language, English, when they start school. The external conditions further impede the learning process. Classrooms are overcrowded with 45 to 90 learners in one class. Without windows, the rooms are excessively hot and loud. Most pupils cannot afford school books. Furthermore, a lack of well-trained teachers results in unprofessional and uncreative teaching. The severe reading difficulties children experience have a negative effect on all other academic achievements. Consequently, self-confidence is lacking and further studies are blocked. The economy suffers: Ghana is faced with 12% youth unemployment and more than 50% underemployment.
THE BOOK IN SCHOOL project meets an urgent need and is in great demand. Having established ourselves in this succesful pilot phase of the project, the vision for Ghana is 100'000 pupils from 420 schools taking part in the project and experiencing a change in their lives! For 2024/25 we are planning for at least 25'000 children and 700 teachers to take part in the project. We are excited!
THE BOOK IN SCHOOL teacher trainer has been accredited by the National Teching Council of Ghana.
Also taking part are Presbytarian Schools, which were originally founded by the Basler Mission. It is moving to see how THE BOOK IN SCHOOL is allowed to continue to contribute in its own small way to swissness in Ghana.
Thank you for caring!
Christine Wassmer
THE BOOK IN SCHOOL is a non-profit association. All donations are tax-deductible.

Ida Wassmer
Chair of the Board
Lives in Canton Bern, CH
Increasingly, TBIS teaching methods have convinced me. My heart beats faster when I see how a child will receive "the book" with cheering and shouts of joy. Daily reading aloud together and then analysing the texts with their teachers fill the children with an unparrelled sense of peace and joy.

Lillian Wassmer
Secretary of the Board
Lives in Canton Bern, CH
This is a strategic and pragmatic high-quality project, designed in accordance with best practiceand evidence-based pedagogical teachingmethods. The astonishing improvement that is seen within a short period in reading abilities and text comprehension in English (the formal language at school), signifies a decisive turning point in students' education. Furthermore, theproject is unique in its ability to strengthen students' self-efficacy, effectiveness, individuality, creativity and social skills. It changes the waystudents see the world, others and themselves. Positive beliefs are established. A mile stone interms of resilience!

Peter Keller
Teacher and Theologian
Lives in Canton Thurgau, CH
As a former primary school teacher and as a vicar, I am enthused by THE BOOK IN SCHOOL teaching methods. In a few weeks, students learn to read fluently, a skill which is quintessential for all of their education and for rest of their lives. At the same time, they are encouraged to expressthemselves and give their opinions in a variety of creative ways - something that is far from self-evident in African schools. And all this is learnt using the "good news", biblical texts - which has such an uplifting impact on students.

Dr. Beat Weber
Biblical scholar, Author (non-fiction)
Lives in Canton Basel, CH
The educational programme THE BOOK IN SCHOOL has really impressed me: improving the reading skills of young learners in Ghana and furthering their personalities and theiropportunities to build a life for themselves in the process- it's a good deal! The fact that biblical text has been selected as reading material - as "the bread of life"- and the positve effect that it has on students, moves me. In the last six years, theproject has grown considerably, and there is a need for more resources, as also the expansion of the board of directors. I gladly contribute towardsmeeting these needs to the best of my abilities.

We want to help ensure that children and adolescents receive broad-based education so that they are able to make well-informed, smart choices in life.
We want to promote analytical, independent and creative thinking - in teachers and pupils.
We want to help provide quality training and education.

Individuality: Be mindful of the individual needs of learners so that talents may be unearthed and developed.
Independency: Promote independent learning and thinking so that productive and self-supporting communities can be built.
Compassion: Raise awarenes and show in deeds the significance of compassion as the foundation of a well-functioning society.
THE BOOK IN SCHOOL is a non-profit association. It is not self-serving. The association guarantuees transparency and accountablitly for its activities and the budget.

We aim to improve the living conditions of children, youth and families in Ghana by offering even the poorest access to quality education.
Following a successful pilot phase and with increasing approval of and cooperation with the Ghanaian educational authorities, we are excited about going nation-wide with the project.
In 2024/2025 we aim to:
enable 25 000 pupils to take part in the project and train 700 teachers
continue to build the local team and train trainers
continue to connect and work together with national and local authorities.