Schools taking part in THE BOOK IN SCHOOL can participate in an exciting Interschool Competition.
Four months into the project, all pupils take a written quiz on the book they have read in class. The quiz consists of knowledge questions and short essay questions. Pupils with the best results are allowed to represent their school in the interschool competition.
In the first part of the competition, candidates are quizzed on their knowledge. In the second part, a speaker from each category (primary or JHS) is requested to interpret an extract taken from the book. Candidates need to demonstrate their speaking and interpretation skills.
The event is a reflection of the interdisciplinary, dynamic nature of the project. Aside from the main competition, pupils can participate in lots of different challenges: a geography quiz, a vocabulary quiz, the fastest reader challenge and an art challenge.
The standards are high, and everyone has lots of fun.
See Interschool Competitions (video):
Test yourself!
Answers can be found at the bottom of the page.
Here also examples of answers to essay questions by two Primary 5 pupils:
What is your favorite story or part in the Gospel of Mark? Why do you like it?
“My favourite part is where Jesus chose his disciples two by two to go into the cities and preach the Word of God. And he told them that if the people reject them, they should shake the dust off their feet. I like it because it teaches us something about challenges in our lives that someday we will face."
“My best part is when the scribe and the Pharisees asked Jesus by what authority does he do these things. Jesus answers, 'But I will ask you a question and if you answer me, then I will give you an answer to your question.' They could not answer Jesus’ question, so Jesus did not answer their question. I like the way Jesus stays calm and unimpressed. He is very smart. "
Answers to sample study questions:
1. Locusts and wild honey 2. The Holy Spirit 3. The Jordan 4. Simon (Peter) and Andrew, James and John the sons of Zebedee, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Cananite, Judas Iscariot. 5. "You are the Christ" 6. My (Jesus') Words 7. A man with a pitcher of water would meet them 8."Are you the King of the Jews?"
What did John eat when he was in the wilderness?
John baptized with water. What does Jesus baptize with?
In which river was Jesus baptized?
List the twelve disciples.
Jesus asks the disciples who they think he is. What does Peter answer?
Jesus says "Heaven and earth will pass away." What will not pass away?
Jesus sent his disciples out to find the upper room. What prophecy did he give them to find the upper room?
What is the first question Pilate asked Jesus?